Le produit SWH 1A correspond au produit historique SPOT scène 1A au format DIMAP (GeoTIFF + métadonnées XML). Il s’agit du premier produit image avec une correction radiométrique qui égalise […]
Le produit SWH 1A correspond au produit historique SPOT scène 1A au format DIMAP (GeoTIFF + métadonnées XML). Il s’agit du premier produit image avec une correction radiométrique qui égalise […]

Le produit SWH 1A correspond au produit historique SPOT scène 1A au format DIMAP (GeoTIFF + métadonnées XML). Il s’agit du premier produit image avec une correction radiométrique qui égalise […]

Sentinel-1 Level-1 products are the baseline products for the majority of users from which higher levels are derived. From data in each acquisition mode, the Instrument Processing Facility (IPF) generates […]

Description Sentinel-1 Level-2 consists of geolocated geophysical products derived from Level-1. There is only one standard Level-2 product for wind, wave and currents applications – the Level-2 Ocean (OCN) product. […]

A Sentinel-2 Level-1C Collection 1 product provides orthorectified Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance, with sub-pixel multispectral and multitemporal registration accuracy. Technical quality masks, cloud and land/water are included in the product. Détails […]
The main objective of the Sentinel-3 mission is to measuresea surface topography, sea and land surface temperature, and ocean and land surface colour with high accuracy and reliability to support […]

At the end of life of each satellite, CNES issues a call for ideas for short-term experiments taking place before de-orbiting the satellite. Based on the success of SPOT4 (Take5), […]

At the end of life of each satellite, CNES issues a call for ideas for short-term experiments taking place before de-orbiting the satellite. Based on the success of SPOT4 (Take5), […]

At the end of life of each satellite, CNES issues a call for ideas for short-term experiments taking place before de-orbiting the satellite. In 2012, CESBIO seized the opportunity to […]

At the end of life of each satellite, CNES issues a call for ideas for short-term experiments taking place before de-orbiting the satellite. In 2012, CESBIO seized the opportunity to […]