
Take5 Spot4 Level 1C

At the end of life of each satellite, CNES issues a call for ideas for short-term experiments taking place before de-orbiting the satellite. In 2012, CESBIO seized the opportunity to set up the Take 5 experiment at the end of SPOT4′ life : this experiment used SPOT4 as a simulator of the time series that ESA’s Sentinel-2 mission will provide.

On January 29, SPOT4’s orbit was lowered by 3 kilometers to put it on a 5 day repeat cycle orbit. On this new orbit, the satellite will flew over the same places on earth every 5 days. Spot4 followed this orbit until June the 19th, 2013. During this period, 45 sites have been observed every 5 days, with the same repetitivity as Sentinel-2.

Take5 Spot4 L1C products are data orthorectified reflectance at the top of the atmosphere.

Résolution spatiale : 20

Résolution temporelle : 120

Type d’emprise des produits : site

Emprise du jeu de données : -113,-35,127,57

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Thématiques scientifiques :Surfaces continentales
Type de contenu :Jeux de données
