Chaque traitement proposé est décrit ici ainsi que dans le centre de traitements, la description comprend :
- Un titre décrivant le traitement succinctement
- Une description expliquant le traitement en détail, bandes spectrales utilisées …, les paramètres choisis pour le traitement, parfois une image démonstrative d’un résultat
- La compatibilité avec les produits/types de produits en entrée disponibles dans PEPS
- Le format de sortie du résultat du traitement
- Les limitations du traitement
- Les sources utilisées si elles sont publiques.
- L’user est transmis par l’APIKEY, il n’est donc pas nécessaire de le transmettre dans le fichier data.json
Ortho-rectification and tiling of Sentinel-1 GRD products on the Sentinel-2 grid (MGRS)This treatment has been set up to facilitate :
- Superimposing a set of Sentinel-1 images
- Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 multi-sensor processing
- Overlay of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images
- Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 mosaicking
The coverage rate of an MGRS tile by the Sentinel-1 product footprint must be at least 1% for the corresponding ortho-rectified image to be generated.
The first step is gamma calibration.
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
You first need to get and export your APIKEY as described in and create a json file named « data.json » with the following information needed for the process :
{ "inputs": { "product-title": "PRODUCT_NAME", "notif-email": "true" # or "false", "restoration": false # or true if the data need to be restored from the archive } |
Product id of the S1 GRD product to be processed.
Average running time is 20 minutes.
Output format:
The result is a zip file containing all the tiles generated in GeoTiff format.
How to launch ?
The treatment does not produce results in the following cases:
- for latitudes above 60° or below -60°
- for products with a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) coverage rate of less than 100% for target MGRS tiles
- This process was provided by T. KOLECK : link s1tiling
- Processing is based on OTB version 6.6.1: link to the orfeo-toolbox
- The DTM used is the SRTM at 30m (SRTMGL1 version 003 of 2000.02.11, DOI: 10.5067/MEaSUREs/SRTM/SRTMGL1.003).
- Documentation is available here
ORTHO-RECTIFICATION S1 SUR LA GRILLE S2 en mode multi-temporel (Ortho MT)
Ortho MT processing enables ortho-rectification to be carried out on one or more tiles, over a given period. This processing was implemented to facilitate :
- Overlaying a set of Sentinel-1 images
- Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 multi-sensor processing
- Superimposition of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images
- Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 mosaicking
The coverage rate of an MGRS tile by the Sentinel-1 product footprint must be at least 1% for the corresponding ortho-rectified image to be generated.nerated.
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
You first need to get and export your APIKEY as described in and create a json file named « data.json » with the following information needed for the process :
{ "inputs": { "mgrs_list": "TILE_LIST", # separated with a comma like this : "31TCJ,01CDS,29MNM" "start_date": "YYYY-MM-DD", "end_date": "YYYY-MM-DD", "polarisation": "[VV VH OR VV OR HH OR HH HV]", "orbit_direction": "[all OR ascending OR descending]", "sensor_mode": "[SM OR EW OR IW]", "relative_orbit_number": -1, "calibration": "[sigma OR beta OR gamma]", "notif-email": true # or false, "restoration": false # or true if the data need to be restored from the archive } |
Product id of the S1 GRD product to be processed. See above for more details about the input parameters.
Average running time is 60 minutes.
Output format:
The result is a zip file containing all the tiles generated in GeoTiff format.
How to launch ?
The treatment does not produce results in the following cases:
- for latitudes above 60° or below -60°
- for products with a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) coverage rate of less than 100% for target MGRS tiles
- This process was provided by T. KOLECK : link s1tiling
- Processing is based on OTB version 6.6.1: link to the orfeo-toolbox
- The DTM used is the SRTM at 30m (SRTMGL1 version 003 of 2000.02.11, DOI: 10.5067/MEaSUREs/SRTM/SRTMGL1.003).
- Documentation is available here
The average size of the SLC product is around 3.5Go. This treatment/process extracts data linked to one or other of the polarization for bipolarized products (HH+HV or VV+VH)
Here is the command to use to start the process :
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
You first need to get and export your APIKEY as described in and create a json file named « data.json » with the following information needed for the process :
{ "inputs": { "product-title": "PRODUCT_NAME", "polarization": "vv", # any from "[vv, vh, hh, hv]", "notif-email": "true" # or "false", "restoration": false # or true if the data need to be restored from the archive } |
Product id of the S1 SLC product to be processed and desired polarization (vv, vh, hh, or hv)
Average runtime is 15 minutes.
Output format:
Archive {Product_id}.SAGE_extract_{Polarization}.zip containing the original archive minus the data related to the unwanted polarization.
This treatment only takes in bipolarized S1 SLC product (HH+HV or VV+VH).
How to launch ?
This process downloads a Sentinel-2 product without the image files (jpg2000).
Here is the command to use to start the process
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
You first need to get and export your APIKEY as described in and create a json file named « data.json » with the following information needed for the process :
{ "inputs": { "product-title": "PRODUCT_NAME", "notif-email": "true" # or "false", "restoration": false # or true if the data need to be restored from the archive } |
Sentinel 2 product type L1C
Average Runtime is 15 min
Output format:
Archive {Product_id} containing the product archive without image files.
Only Sentinel-2 L1C products are processed.
How to launch ?
The MAJA chain (MACCS ATCOR Joint Algorithm, pronounced « maya ») is a cloud detection and atmospheric correction chain, suitable for processing time series of high-resolution images acquired from constant or near-constant viewing angles.
In particular, it is used to process data from SENTINEL-2. It is based on the MACCS chain developed by the CNES and CESBIO since 2008, and has incorporated methods from the DLR ATCOR chain since 2016. It is therefore now the subject of collaboration between CNES, DLR and CESBIO, and has also received financial support from ESA.
Here is the command to use to start the process :
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
You first need to get and export your APIKEY as described in and create a json file named « data.json » with the following information needed for the process :
{ "inputs": { "product-title": "PRODUCT_NAME", "notif-email": "true" # or "false", "restoration": false # or true if the data need to be restored from the archive } |
Sentinel-2 tile product id to be processed
Average runtime is 45 minutes.
Output format:
The result is a zip file containing all the outputs relative to the requested date.
- Data type must be SENTINEL-2
- Treatment level should be LEVEL1C
- Images must contain more than 90% cloud
- The products must have an acquisition date after 06 December 2016. (It may not work correctly on products acquired before this date because re-tiles from Sentinel-2 products in datatake format).
How to launch ?
FULL_MAJA processing applies MAJA processing over a defined period for a given tile (see MAJA processing description for information on the algorithm used). It should be used for a period of between 2 months and 1 year.
Here is the command to use to start the process :
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
You first need to get and export your APIKEY as described in and create a json file named « data.json » with the following information needed for the process :
{ "inputs": { "startDate": "YYYY-MM-DD", "completionDate": "YYYY-MM-DD", "tileid": "WXYZ", "relativeOrbitNumber": "none" (or an "integer"), "notif-email": "true" # or "false", "restoration": false # or true if the data need to be restored from the archive } |
- Start date
- End date
- Tile
- Relative Orbit Number
Average runtime is 8H – 24H. it depends on the number of the products that will be processed.
Output format:
The results are multiple zip files containing all the outputs relative to the requested dates.
- Processing does not work for images containing more than 90% clouds. Calculation time may be affected by demand,
- Processing takes between 30 and 40 hours when run on a year’s worth of images,
- It is currently limited to a maximum of one year and a minimum of two months, it is also limited to the processing of 10 tiles in parallel for all the users in the world,
- It also relies on a robot (HPSS) that downloads the Sentinel-2 data stored on tapes. When HPSS is overloaded, it happens that some products are not provided in time and not processed resulting in data gaps in the time series.
How to launch ?
This workflow offers 3 color composition processes RGB, IRGB, SWIR: Extraction in 16-bit format of bands at 10m for color composition with :
1 = B4 (665 nm – 10 m)
2 = B3 (560 nm – 10 m)
3 = B2 (490 nm – 10 m)
4 = B8 (490 nm – 10 m)
5 = B11 (490 nm – 20 m resampled to 10m with linear interpolation)
The WMS link shows the results of RGB (r=1,g=2,b=3), IRGB (r=4,g=1,b=2) and SWIR (r=5,g=4,b=1) color composition at 20m resolution.
It also offers TCI processing: Extraction in GeoTIFF format of the True Color Image band of S2 Single Tile products in 8-bit integer.
According the following image, (RGB = B04, B03, B02), (IRGB= B08, B03, B04) and (SWIR= B11, B08, B04).

Here is the command to use to start the process :
- rgb-s2st
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
- irgb-s2st
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
- swir-s2st
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
- tci-s2st
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
You first need to get and export your APIKEY as described in and create a json file named « data.json » with the following information needed for the process :
{ "inputs": { "product-title": "PRODUCT_NAME", "notif-email": "true" # or "false", "restoration": false # or true if the data need to be restored from the archive } |
Sentinel-2 tile product id to be processed
Average runtime is 10 minutes.
Output format:
The result is a zip file containing all the outputs relative to the requested date.
- Data S2 Single Tile
- Data type must be SENTINEL-2
- Level type should be L1C
How to launch ?
NDVI is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. The index is calculated in float mode at full resolution (10 m) using the following bands:
- B8 (842 nm)
- B4 (665 nm)
curl -XPOST -k --data "@data.json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-API-Key: $APIKEY" -H "Prefer:respond-async" "" |
You first need to get and export your APIKEY as described in and create a json file named « data.json » with the following information needed for the process :
{ "inputs": { "product-title": "PRODUCT_NAME", "notif-email": "true" # or "false", "restoration": false # or true if the data need to be restored from the archive } |
Sentinel-2 tile product id to be processed
The average execution time is 10 minutes if the data is online.
The result is tiled according to the Cloud Optimized Geotiff recommendation and losslessly compressed with DEFLATE.
This process only takes S2 Single Tile data of level type L1C as input
How to launch ?
Treatment is based on OTB version 6.6.1: link to the orfeo-toolbox